Monday, November 25, 2013

First Abstract Piece

I recently made my first abstract piece with acrylics on canvas. It didn't turn out perfect, but I'm happy for the experience nonetheless. I learned a lot from making this piece. A few of these tidbits I'll share below, all of which I will likely disprove as my understanding of abstract art increases. Basically, I've discovered the following from making this painting (link to image):

*Abstract art requires lots of forethought and planning. Generally more than the 5 minutes I gave it.
*Vary not just stroke length and brush used; change your hand position, flip the canvas upside-down, add a pattern to the surface...this makes the painting more interesting and potentially makes it more cohesive.
*mix colors across the color wheel. If you're painting with red, shade it with blue. If you're painting with purple, shade it with yellow.
*Have a general theme, message, subject, or thought in mind before you paint or start planning your painting.

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